Some of it seems common sense, but I have concerns about safety Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash In a few days, changes to the highway code are being introduced here in the UK. However, I don’t think some of the new rules have been thought through very well. In some ways, the situation reminds me of the introduction of smart motorways, where they didn’t think losing the hard shoulder would affect safety. Pedestrians Now Have Priority at Junctions If someone is waiting to cross a side road, the new rules say the motorist has to stop and let them cross. Of all the changes, this one concerns me the most — it sounds like it’s encouraging jaywalking! I can understand why people think it’s a good idea. In busy places, it can be hard to cross, even for those who are quick on their feet. My concern is that some people will step into the road, without giving drivers time to react. And what if a driver is being tailgated, when they slam on their brakes because a pedestrian runs across the road...