
Showing posts from December, 2019

Best Wishes for 2020

I’m sorry I’ve been a bit quiet on here lately, with all the chaos of Christmas. Hopefully things will get back to normal after another week or so. (There are quite a few ideas somewhere in my mind, for things I’d like to write about.) Best wishes to you all for 2020. Medium Didn't Like This! I also tried to publish this on Medium, but a big red box appeared at the top of the page saying: "This story is under investigation or was found in violation of the Medium Rules." I have no idea what that's all about!

Adding Old Posts to My New Blog

Since September 2017, I've written quite a few posts on my Facebook page. Recently, after starting this blog in November 2019, I thought it would be nice to add those old posts here. (Very few people have read them, and I think they are still relevant.) I spent some time thinking about what to do about the dates. If I publish them using the current date, the articles will appear newer that they really are, and won't be in the correct date order, which could be misleading. On the other hand, if I use the original dates, this site will appear to have been here for longer than it really has, which could be misleading in a different way. Also, the republished posts might appear old, get lost and be ignored. In the end, I decided to go with the second approach, and republish the posts using the original dates, with a minimal amount of editing. In an attempt to be clear about things, at the end of each old post, I will add a brief note which mentions the original date and c...